Monday, October 4, 2010

DC Living

Since we moved to the D.C. area at the beginning of September, John and I have tried to do our best to soak in the local scenery. Over Labor Day, John and I spent the day around the Mall area and checking out the Museum of Natural History. Here are a couple pictures from that day:
John's first visit to the Lincoln Memorial
34 Weeks
We then had a great visit with John's parents a few weeks later. They drove up from South Carolina with a truck full of the goodies we received at our baby showers back in July. It was like Christmas rediscovering all the fun gifts everyone had given us! We also spent more time visiting the city.

Randee and Bobby at the Big House

The view from Mount Vernon. (36 weeks)

1 comment:

Dewa said...

OH MY GOSH. You look so stinkin fabulous. Love it! Love you!!